Notes, thoughts n' sketches on "Trees Whisper" / IMAF 2024, Novi Sad


Oh, yes, I fought the shadows, fellow pirates.

I drank all the poisons, saw all the peaks.

I've had it with the Devil and God and they've given me a free pass in and out of the gates.

I won. Me.

Just keep rock and roll from what's coming even if it promises supreme, universal love. 

Don't get lost on the spiritual, so-called alternative, soul-sucking path. Oh, it's so boring, so easy!

A tape overplayed with stupid music.

Just keep the rock. Your full-bright nakedness under the sun.


8/29/2024, Rehearsals notebook

Ω, ναι, πάλεψα με τις σκιές, φίλοι πειρατές.

Ήπια όλα τα δηλητήρια, είδα όλες τις κορφές.

Τα είπα με το Διάβολο και το Θεό και μου δωσαν το ελεύθερο να μπαινοβγαίνω στις πύλες.

Νίκησα. Εμένα.

Μόνο τη ροκιά κράτα απ'ό,τι έρθει ακόμα κι αν υπόσχεται υπέρμετρη, συμπαντική αγάπη. 

Μην χαθείς στο σπιριτουαλιτέ, δήθεν εναλλακτικό, ψυχοάψυχο μονοπάτι. 

Ώ, είναι τόσο βαρετό, τόσο εύκολο!

Κασέτα χιλιοπαιγμένη με ηλίθια μουσική.

Μόνο τη ροκιά κράτα. Την ολόφωτη γύμνια σου κάτω απ' τον Ήλιο.

ημερολόγιο πρόβας

"The exhibition will be held from September 7th to 13th in the SULUV gallery in Novi Sad.
The main program of the 26th International Festival of Multimedia Arts - IMAF 2024 is the presentation of artistic actions and live performances, which will be held on September 7th and 8th, 2024. The festival has traditionally been held for many years now in the SULUV gallery in Novi Sad. At the open competition at the beginning of the year, a large number of artists and art groups from all over the world applied. 

The following artists have been selected to participate live at this year's 26th edition of the IMAF festival: Alexandra Holownia (Poland-Germany), Alkistis Voulgari (Greece), Dirk Thorwarth (Germany), Frank Homeyer (Germany), Michela Montrasio (Italy), Paco Justicia (Spain), Spike Mclarrity (Great Britain), Flutura Preka (Albania-Canada), Besnik Haxhillari (Albania-Canada), Saša Denić-Špena (Serbia), Nenad Bogdanović (Serbia)."


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