City Jane

City Jane (2022) by Alkistis Voulgari

Hi, this is City Jane
Don't put me in a frame
I go insane
I've spent years walking on this concrete land
Playing music in my mind in a fantasy band
You see, some prophets say
"Once you feel real love,
you don't have to pray anymore"
So, what the fuck is going on?
I've spent my whole life against my nature? C'mon!
I'm wild, I'm alive, I'm still burning inside
I'm not your concrete girl
I'm not your photo to sell
I want to dream
I want to scream
I want the self and the (e)steem
City bells city mud
City lights city trust
I am here and I'm no more sad
This game is mine
Prime day prime time
I'll live and I'll give all of my soul in the gig
I'll dance I'll crash
I'll vomit all your trash
Jungle is the City
City is the Jungle
Thanks for knowing how to handle!
Now I'm free from you
You cannot cut me in two
My Tarzan waits out of your land
To dance, to play, to make love on the sand
© Alkistis Voulgari 2022


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