Why I loved Death

Why I loved Death

Since my puberty I hear
"You’re too much for me, do not come near"
They were afraid of strong feelings,
ecstatic passions that pierce the ceilings
They were afraid of the edges living
Running away from life’s dealing
So, in love with Death I fell
Grabbing a cause to rebel
I loved midnight rides
I loved fast cars
Super loud music
Poetic rock stars
I loved abandonment
And walking away
And all the mornings that were gone ashtray
I loved hurting
And being hurt
And all the men that shared my bed
I loved those who wanted to thrill me
But mostly those who wanted to «kill» me
Then I realized that Death loved me back
He was always there watching my track
"Something is wrong with you", he said
"You throw away all the love you get"
I was the one who was afraid to love
Cause Love is Death and Death is Love



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