Broken Film
password : Broken2

"Broken film" is a sequence of images inspired by Cinéma Pur.

Created by Alkistis Voulgari & Room 37 Artworks
Royalty free music
© copyright Alkistis Voulgari

[Cinéma Pur (French for Pure Cinema) was an avant-garde film movement birthed in Paris in the 1920s and 30s. Non-narrative film is an aesthetic of cinematic film that does not narrate, or relate "an event, whether real or imaginary". It is usually a form of art film or experimental film, not made for mass entertainment.

The term was first coined by Henri Chomette to define a cinema that focused on the pure elements of film like form, motion, visual composition, and rhythm, something he accomplished in his shorts Reflets de lumiere et de vitesse (1925) and Cinq minutes de cinéma pur (1926). The movement included many Dada artists, such as Man Ray (Emak-Bakia, Return to Reason), René Clair (), Fernand Léger (Ballet Mécanique), Marc Allegret, Jean Gremillon, Dudley Murphy, and Marcel Duchamp (Anemic Cinema).

The Dadaists saw in film an opportunity to transcend 'story', to ridicule 'character,' 'setting,' and 'plot' as bourgeois conventions, to slaughter causality by using the innate dynamism of the film medium to overturn conventional Aristotelian notions of time and space.]


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